JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルOn determination of fibre fraction in continuous fibre composite materials
著者(英)Hurwitz, F. I.; Whittenberger, J. D.; Ricca, J. J.; Jurta, R. M.
著者所属(英)NASA Lewis Research Center|Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center
内容記述It is pointed out that the fiber volume fraction is probably the most important parameter influencing the properties of fibrous composite materials. The present investigation is concerned with questions regarding the accurate determination of this parameter. It is found that an estimate of the fiber volume fraction based on determinations from several coupons taken from different regions of a laminate is not accurate. At present fiber volume fractions are not directly measured but rather are calculated from the fiber weight fraction and densities of the composite and fiber. Image analysis techniques can and should be applied to determine fiber volume fraction. However, several factors have to be considered in this connection. It is necessary to make many measurements of the local fiber area fractions, and the preparation of representative planar cross sections parallel to the fiber axis may be difficult.
