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タイトル洞房結節に対するアセチルコリン陰性変時作用のイオン機序に関する研究 第3報:迷走神経節後線維刺激の効果
その他のタイトルThe ionic mechanism underlying the nagative chronotropic effect of acetylcholine. 3: Postganglionic vagal stimulation in isolated rabbit hearts
著者(日)児玉 逸雄; 新井 章子; 鈴木 良子; 本荘 晴朗; Boyett,M.R.; 外山 淳治
著者(英)Kodama, Itsuo; Arai Akiko; Suzuki, Ryoko; Honjo, Haruo; Boyett, M.R.; Toyama, Junji
著者所属(日)名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所; リーズ大学; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所
著者所属(英)Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Mdeicine, Nagoya University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University; Leeds University; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
Annals of The Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University
抄録In previous study, it wau demonstrated that the negative chronotropic effect of Acetylcholine (Ach) on sinoatrial node was owing to activation of K current (I(sub k)) rather than imward current activated by hyperpolarization (I(sub f)). This study examined the negative chronotropic effect of Ach released from postganglionic vagal ending on the entire sinoatrial node. The sample tissues extracted from rabbit hearts were stimulated by electric field stimulus, and the response disappeared when atropine was added. Therefore, this response may be caused by binding muscarinic receptor with Ach released from postganglionic vagal ending. The vagal nerves responded with three phases; early automatism inhibition, secondary post-inhibitory rebound, and late artomatism inhibition. The post-inhibitory rebound can not be explained by the shift of pace-making site to other site in the sinoatrial node, because there is a finding that the post-inhibitory rebound was observed after the pacemaker site returned to the original site. When Cs(2+), an inhibitor of I (sub f), was added, the post-inhibitory rebound disappeared ordecreased, which implies that automatism may be promoted by I (sub f) activation following to hyperpolarization in vagal endings. Although Cs(2+) did not change the relation between early automatism inhibition and vagal stimulus compared with control, Ba(2+) decreased the negative chronotropic effct. It can be concluded that I (sub k) may play more important role than I (sub f) in the megative chronotropic effect by Ach.
キーワードsinoatrial node; acetylcholine; vagus nerve; ganglion; rabbit; heart atrium; fiber; excitation; membrane potential; ebdocardium; receptor; barium ion; post inhibitory redound; activation; propranolol; 洞房結節; アセチルコリン; 迷走神経; 神経節; ウサギ; 心房; 線維; 興奮; 膜電位; 心内膜; 受容体; バリウムイオン; 自動能亢進時相; 活性化; プロプラノロール
資料種別Technical Report
