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タイトルIUE observations of the peculiar star RX Puppis
著者(英)Michalitsianos, A. G.; Feibelman, W. A.; Kafatos, M.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|George Mason Univ.
内容記述The first set of high-dispersion UV observations of RX Pup are presented. Anomalous line profile structure observed in a number of high-excitation emission lines is discussed in context with a model that includes streams and complex mass motions in the system. Anomalies in high-excitation lines suggest dynamic activity in circumstellar material that probably has the form of rings and/or gas streamers between the cool giant and the hot companion. The continuum in low dispersion is fairly flat around 1200-2000 and rises toward longer wavelengths, and cannot be due to a star earlier than A0 II. Alternatively, it may be from an accretion disk. Photoionizing radiation may be due to the presence of an unseen, hot subdwarf with most probable effective temperature 75,000-90,000 K. Alternatively, it may be due to an accretion disk around a secondary with boundary layer temperature about 100,000 K.
