JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルUltraviolet observations of tau/4/ Serpentis /M5 IIb - IIIa/
著者(英)Hobbs, R. W.; Kafatos, M.; Feibelman, W. A.; Michalitsianos, A. G.
著者所属(英)George Mason Univ.|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述IUE data of this late giant reveal strong Mg II resonance doublet emission that in high dispersion exhibits reversed symmetric h and k line profile emission, suggesting that material ejected from the surface forms a low excitation expanding circumstellar shell. The weak continuum is identified as being a combination of possibly stellar continuum and blended Fe II features of multiplets. The UV spectra does not suggest the presence of a hot companion as believed to exist in symbiotic stars, because a number of high excitation lines such as C IV and He II are not observed in the short wavelength range. The UV and Mg II line emission is most likely the result of the M giant having undergone an eruptive event in which a moderate excitation shell heated by hydromagnetic shocks dominates the UV emission. The general properties of the circumstellar shell are obtained from the Mg II line profiles.
