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タイトルPulmonary vascular system in young mice using corrosive resin cast technique
著者(日)Sun, Xue Zhi; 井上 稔; 高橋 千太郎; 福井 義浩
著者(英)Sun, Xue Zhi; Inoue, Minoru; Takahashi, Sentaro; Fukui, Yoshihiro
著者所属(日)放射線医学総合研究所 第4研究グループ; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所 分子細胞適応部門 発生・遺伝分野; 放射線医学総合研究所 第4研究グループ; 徳島大学 医学部
著者所属(英)National Institute of Radiological Sciences 4th Research Group; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Dept. of Teratology and Genetics, Division of Molecular and Cellular Adaptation; National Institute of Radiological Sciences 4th Research Group; Tokushima University School of Medicine
刊行物名Environmental Medicine
Environmental Medicine
抄録The use was made of a modified method of the corrosion resin cast technique to establish a model of the mouse pulmonary vascular system in this study. This method permitted not only the visualization of the distribution of the pulmonary artery and vein, but also a clear relationship between the pulmonary vessels and each lobe bronchiole. The right lung consisted of the upper, middle, lower and accessory lobes, which were separated by interlobular fissures. The left lung consisted of the middle and lower lobes, which were united to form a single lobe. The right pulmonary artery gave off branches which ran along each bronchiole, mainly on the dorsal or lateral side. The left pulmonary artery ran across the dorsal side of the left middle lobe bronchiole and was distributed to the left middle and lower lobes. The pulmonary veins ran mainly along the medial or ventral side of the bronchioles and between them. The present corrosive resin casting technique provided a useful method to study the distribution patterns of the pulmonary vascular system 'in situ' in small animals.
キーワードbronchiole; corrosive resin cast; lobe; lung; pulmonary vessel; mouse; vascular system model; 細気管支; 腐食性樹脂鋳型; 肺葉; 肺; 肺血管; マウス; 血管系モデル
資料種別Technical Report
