JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルImaging observation of conjugate auroras from a lunar orbiter
著者(日)田口 真; 江尻 全機; 岡野 章一; 川原 琢也; 岡田 雅樹; 中村 正人
著者(英)Taguchi, Makoto; Ejiri, Masaki; Okano, Shoichi; Kawahara, Takuya D.; Okada, Masaki; Nakamura, Masato
著者所属(日)国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 信州大学; 国立極地研究所; 東京大学
著者所属(英)National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; Shinshu University; National Institute of Polar Research; University of Tokyo
刊行物名Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics
Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics
抄録The present authors have proposed an Upper atmosphere and Plasma Imager (UPI) which will take monochromatic images of aurora, airglow, geocorona and emission from the plasmashere in the visible through EUV (Extreme Ultra-Violet)regions onboard the Japanese lunar orbiter SELENE (Selenological and Engineering Explorer) to be launched in 2003. UPI consists of three imagers, UPI-TVIS, UPI-TUV and UPI-TEX, and a common electronic device. UPI-TVIS and UPI-TUV will take images of visible and UV auroras, respectively, while UPI-TEX will capture a whole image of plasmasphere using EUV light. Valuable data for studying conjugate auroras in the northern and southern hemisphere will be obtained by taking their images in a same frame from a satellite far apart from the earth. Schematic drawings of UPI-TVS and UPI-TUV are shown in this report. UPI-TVIS collects visible light from aurora and airglow by a catadioptric telescope. The target emissions of UPI-TVIS are N2(+)1NG (427.8 nm), OI (557.7 nm), NaD (589.3 nm), OI (630.0 nm) and OH (720-800 nm). Images of the earth are detected by a cooled CCD detector with two modes of high speed for observing aurora with a high time resolution and of high precision for observing airglow with low noise. UPI-TUV operates in the VUV (Vacuum Ultra-Violet) region for observing auroral and geocoronal emissions of H Lyman alpha and OI (130.4 nm). A Schwarzschildian telescope is adopted for the collecting optics of UPI-TUV, and an MCP with a 2-D resistive anode for detecting VUV light. UPI will be mounted on the gimbals of the high-gain antenna that always point to the center of the earth, and usually operated while the spacecraft is seen from the earth and in the shadow of the moon.
キーワードconjugate aurora; airglow; geocorona; plasmasphere; auroral oval; SELENE; Selenological and Engineering Explorer; lunar orbiter; catadioptric telescope; Schwarzschildian telescope; 共役点オーロラ; 大気光; 地球コロナ; プラズマ圏; オーロラ・オーバル; SELENE; 月探査周回衛星計画; 月周回軌道衛星; カタディオプトリック望遠鏡; シュワルツシルト望遠鏡
資料種別Conference Paper
