JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA search for interplanetary He II, 304-A emission
著者(英)Fahr, H.; Lay, G.; Paresce, F.
著者所属(英)Bonn Univ.|California Univ.
内容記述A survey of a region of the sky around the antisolar direction in the earth's shadow was surveyed by the extreme ultraviolet telescope on the Apollo-Soyuz mission, whose 170-620 A channel is primarily sensitive to the H II, 304-A and He I, 584-A resonance. A sharp decrease in intensity was found as the line of sight sweeps into the shadow region. Once the line of sight is contained within the shadow, a residual signal above instrumental background was observed that was independent of view direction and spacecraft position. An upper limit at the 2sigma confidence level to a possible He II, 304-A component that can escape detection by the instrument corresponds to 0.002 R, or to a column density of 10 to the 9th ions/sq cm scattering at line center. The brightest possible sources for such emissions are multiple scattering from plasmaspheric He(+) in the shadow and scattering from He(+) created by the photoionization of the interstellar wind neutral helium.
