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タイトルThe seasonal dependence of the vertical distribution of auroral particle acceleration region observed by the Akebono satellite
著者(日)熊本 篤志; 小野 高幸; 大家 寛
著者(英)Kumamoto, Atsushi; Ono, Takayuki; Oya, Hiroshi
著者所属(日)東北大学 大学院理学研究科; 東北大学 大学院理学研究科; 福井工業大学 工学部
著者所属(英)Tohoku University Graduate School of Science; Tohoku University Graduate School of Science; Fukui University of Technology Faculty of Engineering
刊行物名第24回極域における電離圏磁気圏総合観測シンポジウム プログラム&予稿集
The 24th Symposium on Coordinated Observations of the Ionosphere and the Magnetosphere in the Polar Regions. Programme and Abstracts
抄録Seasonal dependencies have been reported concerning various auroral phenomena. The Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) data and the Upward Flowing Ion (UFI) data observed by the Akebono satellite have been analyzed and the vertical distribution of the auroral particle acceleration region is investigated. The lower limit altitude of the intense AKR sources is shifted up to 5,000 km in the summer polar region and shifted down to 3,000 km in the winter polar region. The lower limit altitude of the occurrence of the UFI events shows the same behavior. These results suggest that the vertical distribution of auroral particle acceleration regions varies depending on the seasonal conditions.
キーワードAkebono satellite; auroral particle acceleration region; vertical distribution; seasonal dependence; auroral kilometric radiation; AKR; upward flowing ion; UFI; polar region; あけぼの衛星; オーロラ粒子加速度領域; 高度分布; 季節依存性; オーロラキロメートル電波; AKR; 上方向イオン流; UFI; 極域
資料種別Conference Paper
