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タイトルExtensional collapse modes of structural members
著者(英)Hayduk, R. J.; Wierzbicki, T.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Attenuation of the load transmitted to a vehicle occupant by the structure, either by modifying structural assembly, changing geometry of its elements, or adding specific load limiting devices to help dissipate kinetic energy was studied. General aviation aircraft have fuselage subfloors of a built up structure which are generally very stiff perpendicular to the floor of the cabin. The subfloor structure, designed to crush at an appropriate force level, can be used to advantage in a crash by dissipating energy through plastic buckling of the floor beams and frames. Simple closed form solutions to predict the mean crushing force levels of subfloor designs is useful in engineering practice. The crushing process of thin walled, plate formed, open structures with particular emphasis on L and cruciform shapes was analyzed. Lower and upper bound solutions for the mean crushing strength of cruciforms are obtained by considering modes of deformation which account for both bending and extensional deformation. It is the importance of extensional deformation to the energy absorption process, representing at least one third of the dissipated energy is shown.
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