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タイトルA numerical evaluation of TIROS-N and NOAA-6 analyses in a high resolution limited area model
著者(英)Horn, L. H.; Derber, J. C.; Koehler, T. L.
著者所属(英)Wisconsin Univ.
内容記述Vertical temperature profiles derived from TIROS-N and NOAA-6 radiance measurements were used to create separate analyses for the period 0000 GMT 6 January to 0000 GMT 7 January 1980. The 0000 GMT 6 January satellite analyses and a conventional analysis were used to initialize and run the University of Wisconsin's version of the Australian Region Primitive Equations model. Forecasts based on conventional analyses were used to evaluate the forecasts based only on satellite upper air data. The forecasts based only on TIROS-N or NOAA-6 data did reasonably well in locating the main trough and ridge positions. The satellite initial analyses and forecasts revealed errors correlated to the synoptic situation. The trough in both TIROS-N and NOAA-6 forecasts which was initially too warm remained too warm as it propagated eastward during the forecast period. Thus, it is unlikely that the operational satellite data will improve forecasts in a data dense region. However, in regions of poor data coverage, the satellite data should have a beneficial effect on numerical forecasts.
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