JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCoronal streamers in the solar wind at 1 AU
著者(英)Hansen, R. T.; Gosling, J. T.; Borrini, G.; Feldman, W. C.; Asbridge, J. R.; Bame, S. J.
著者所属(英)Stanford Univ.|Los Alamos Scientific Lab.
内容記述Virtually all solar wind observing groups have reported substantial variations in the solar wind helium-hydrogen abundance ratio (A(He)). A study of Los Alamos Imp solar wind data has revealed an association between low A(He) and high proton density that occurs at low flow speeds and that is correlated with polarity reversals of the interplanetary magnetic field. The current investigation has the objective to present further examples of the low A(He), high proton density, low speed, magnetic field polarity association, and to document the common occurrence of multiple events lasting approximately 3-7 days. The results are presented of attempts to relate these events directly to maps or isophotes of solar coronal brightness at 1.5 solar radii. The results of the investigation suggest that a substantial fraction of the low-speed solar wind originates in coronal streamers, particularly near solar minimum.
