JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEffect of atmospheric scattering and surface reflection on upwelling solar radiation
著者(英)Tiwari, S. N.; Barkstrom, B. R.; Suttles, J. T.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center|Old Dominion Univ.
内容記述A study is presented of the solar radiation transfer in the complete earth-atmosphere system, and numerical results are compared with satellite data obtained during the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment on Nimbus 6, in August, 1975. Emphasis is placed on the upwelling radiance distribution at the top of the atmosphere, assumed to be at 50 km. The numerical technique is based on the finite difference method, which includes azimuth and spectral variations for the entire solar wavelength range. Detailed solar properties, atmospheric physical properties, and optical properties are used. However, since the property descriptions are based on a trade-off between accuracy and computational realities, aerosol and cloud optical properties are treated with simple approximations. The radiative transfer model is in good agreement with the satellite radiance observations. The method provides a valuable tool in analyzing satellite- and ground-based radiation budget measurements and in designing instrumentation.
AIAA PAPER 81-1094
