JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMaterials Experiment Carrier - An approach to expanded space processing capability
著者(英)Waltz, D. M.; Taylor, K. R.; Meissinger, H. F.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center|TRW Defense and Space Systems Group
内容記述Conceptual design studies and mission analyses within the NASA Materials Processing in Space (MPS) program of the Materials Experiment Carrier (MEC) approach to conducting near-term as well as future free-flying experiments in materials processing in space are discussed. The experimental background of the MPS program is reviewed, and it is pointed out that the use of the MEC coupled with the 25-kW power system can provide an order-of-magnitude cost savings over conventional Shuttle-based systems, as well as increased orbital stay time and microgravity stability. The determination of the physical and engineering requirements for future MEC scientific/commercial candidate payloads is then discussed, and two proposed candidates for the MEC configuration, which is intended to be a self-contained, general-purpose, versatile and reusable carrier, are illustrated. Possible MEC operations are considered, including mission profiles, deployment sequences, on-orbit payload/sample change-out, optimal power system utilization, the use of real-time, ground-based control and advanced automatic payload operation. Areas in which technology development could benefit the MEC project are also identified.
AAS PAPER 80-249
