JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルPerformance of room temperature mercuric iodide /HgI2/ detectors in the ultralow-energy X-ray region
著者(英)Turkevich, A. L.; Iwanczyk, J. S.; Barton, J. B.; Whited, R.; Dabrowski, A. J.; Economou, T. E.; Ortale, C.; Huth, G. C.
著者所属(英)Chicago Univ.|University of Southern California
内容記述Experiments have been done to study the performance of mercuric iodide (HgI2) detectors in the ultralow-energy X-ray region. Energy resolution values of 245 eV (FWHM) for the Mg K-alpha X-ray line at 1.25 keV and 225 eV (FWHM) for the electronic noise linewidth have been obtained for an HgI2 detector with painted carbon contacts using a pulsed-light feedback preamplifier; the whole system was operated at room temperature. The resolution values in the ultralow-energy region are still limited by electronic noise of the system. In an attempt to minimize X-ray attenuation in the front contact, detectors were prepared with thin evaporated Pd contacts. These detectors show a pronounced low-energy tailing of the photopeak below a few keV, in contrast to the spectra obtained by detectors with carbon contact. An attempt has been made to explain the tailing effect starting with models wich have been proposed to describe similar effects in Ge detectors.
