JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA low-order global gravity field of Venus and dynamical implications
著者(英)Wimberly, R. N.; Sjogren, W. L.; Phillips, R. J.; Bills, B. G.; Ananda, M. P.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述An estimate of sixth-degree and sixth-order harmonic coefficients of the global gravity field of Venus is obtained by processing the long periodic variations of the mean orbital elements of the Pioneer Venus orbiter. Approximately 220 days of data are included in this reduction, which provides almost complete longitudinal coverage. Oblateness is estimated to be -5.97 + or - 3.2 x 10 to the -6. It is noted that the amplitudes of other coefficients are similar to the predicted coefficients using Kaula's rule under equal stress assumption. Atmospheric density values as a function of altitude are obtained to help model drag perturbation. A radial acceleration map at 100 km above the Venus surface is generated, and correlation between gravity anomalies and major topographic features is observed. Spectral analysis of the harmonic model suggests that the interior density anomalies are like those on earth. The orientation angles of the principal axes of the moments of inertia are computed, and deviation of the maximum moment of inertia axis from the spin axis is observed to be small (less than 5 deg). It is found that the minimum moment of inertia axis passes through the Aphrodite and Beta regions.
