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タイトルA lower limit on the magnitude of the companion to HDE 226868 /Cygnus X-1/
著者(英)Margon, B.; Katz, J. I.; Harms, R. J.; Shafter, A. W.
著者所属(英)California Univ.|California Univ.
内容記述High-precision digital spectra of the HDE 226868/Cygnus X-1 system have been obtained at a variety of orbital phases, using a Digicon photon counting array at the coude focus of the Lick Shane reflector. The spectra have been cross-correlated to search for evidence for the existence of a luminous stellar companion to HDE 226868, as has been suggested by several models where the secondary star is not a black hole. We find no evidence for such a star and place a lower limit on the difference between HDE 226868 and its companion of 4 magnitudes. This limit rules out all of the models for the Cygnus X-1 system calculated by Avni and Bahcall which include main-sequence stars as secondaries rather than black holes. A merit function generally useful for cross-correlation of digital spectra is described.
