JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルConstruction of a liquid hydrogen target
著者(日)秋吉 啓充; 相良 建至; 本林 透
著者(英)Akiyoshi, Hiromichi; Sagara, Kenshi; Motobayashi, Toru
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1998
RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1998
抄録A liquid hydrogen target for the experiments with secondary beam has been designed and is under construction. The design has been made to meet the following requirements: (1) the thickness of hydrogen is 100 mg/sq cm; (2) the ratio of hydrogen to other materials should be by far larger than that of polyethylene foil; and (3) the target system should be easy to mount and dismount. The target cell is attached to the cold head through a copper rod. The target cell is connected to a gas reservoir with a thin stainless pipe. The cryogenic refrigerator cools a hydrogen gas in the target cell down to about 20 K, and liquefies it. The gas pressure is measured by a pressure transducer. A temperature of the target cell is measured by a Si diode thermometer. The target cell, the copper rod, and the cold head are surrounded by an aluminum heat shield at about 80 K. The target can be lifted up by 10 cm, so that one can use other foil targets. The window foil is made of 12.5 micrometer thick aramide foil and is pressed by a foil cover which has a 24 mm diameter hole for beam. The thickness of the hydrogen id designed to be 14 mm and can be changed by replacing the target cell. Digitized data on the data acquisition/switch unit which is connected to the thermometers and the pressure transducer are acquired by a computer. The safety system is deployed locally, so as to work even when the computer or network downs.
キーワードliquid hydrogen target; liquid target cell; thermometer; pressure transducer; secondary beam experiment; cryogenic refrigerator; data acquisition; safety system; 液体水素標的; 液体標的セル; 温度計; 圧力変換器; 2次ビーム実験; 低温冷凍機; データ収集; 安全システム
資料種別Technical Report
