JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルUpper atmosphere physics (UAP) data obtained at Syowa and Asuka Stations in 1991
著者(日)藤井 良一; 小竹 昇; 村田 功; 野崎 憲郎; 梅津 正道; 巻田 和男; 港屋 浩一; 行松 彰
著者(英)Fujii, Ryoichi; Kotake, Noboru; Murata, Isao; Nozaki, Kenro; Umetsu, Masamichi; Makita, Kazuo; Minatoya, Hirokazu; Yukimatsu, Akira
著者所属(日)国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所; 国立極地研究所
著者所属(英)National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research; National Institute of Polar Research
刊行物名JARE Data Reports
JARE Data Reports
抄録This material is the data book summarized upper atmosphere physics data acquired by the 32nd Japanese Antarctic Expedition (JARE-32) with the Upper Atmosphere Physics Monitoring Systems at Showa and Asuka Stations in 1991. The observations at Showa Station are as follows: (1) the H-, D- and Z-components of the geomagnetic field and of magnetic pulsations, and total force of the geomagnetic field as researches in geomagnetism; (2) intensities of ELF (Extremely Low Frequency)/VLF (Very Low Frequency) waves, and wide band ELF-VLF emissions as researches into ELF-VLF wave; (3) cosmic noise absorption as ionosphere researches; and (4) studying aurora by all sky camera, scanning photometers, fixed directional photometers, and all sky TV (Television) camera. The observations at Asuka Station are as follows: (1) the H-, D- and Z-components of the magnetic fields, and of magnetic pulsations as researches in geomagnetism; (2) intensities and wide band ELF-VLF emissions as researches into VLF waves; (3) cosmic noise absorption and differential doppler measurement of NNSS (National Navigation Satellite System) telemetry signals as ionosphere researches; and (4) studying aurora by all sky camera, scanning photometers, Zenith photometer, all sky TV camera, and monochromatic CCD (Charged Coupled Device) TV. It also contains outlines of the observation systems, specifications of the observation instruments and the data acquisition systems, the recording periods, the format of the compiled digital data, and magnetograms in the period January 1-December 31, 1991 observed at Showa Station and in the period January 1-November 15, 1991 at Asuka Station.
キーワードSyowa station; Asuka station; UPA; Upper Atmosphere Physics; observation data; Antarctica; magnetogram; geomagnetism; ELF VLF; Extremely Low Frequency Very Low Frequency; radio wave intensity; ionosphere; cosmic noise absorption; aurora observation; calender year 1991; 昭和基地; あすか観測拠点; UAP; 上層大気物理; 観測データ; 南極; 磁気データ; 地磁気; ELF-VLF; 電波強度; 電離層; 宇宙起源雑音の吸収; オーロラ観測; 1991年; 極低周波-超長波
資料種別Technical Report
