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タイトルRadio observation of comet Meier /1978f/ in 18-cm OH lines
著者(英)Huebner, W. F.; Giguere, P. T.; Bania, T. M.
著者所属(英)Cornell Univ.|Los Alamos Scientific Lab.|National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
内容記述Observations of 18-cm OH spectral lines in comet Meier (1978f) with the 1000-ft. Arecibo telescope show spatial resolution of the OH coma by the 2.9 arcmin beam (=3.7 x 10 to the 5th km). The data agree with predictions of the solar Fraunhofer spectrum-pumping theory of comet OH excitation. On the assumption that the OH parent molecule (e.g., H2O) has a Haser-model scale length of about 1.0 x 10 to the 5th km at heliocentric distance 1 AU, an OH scale length of less than 10 to the 6th km, and probably near 1.0 x 10 to the 5th km is derived. Assuming a recently calculated value of the OH lifetime and the solar radiative pumping model, the results indicate an OH production rate of 10 to the 29th Kayser at heliocentric distance 2 AU.
