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タイトルGround-based measurement technologies: Lidar instruments for the observations of the arctic atmosphere in Alaska-project
著者(日)水谷 耕平; 板部 敏和; 安井 元昭; 青木 哲郎; 石井 昌憲; 篠野 雅彦; 村山 泰啓; Collins, Richard L.
著者(英)Mizutani, Kohei; Itabe, Toshikazu; Yasui, Motoaki; Aoki, Tetsuo; Ishii, Shoken; Sasano, Masahiko; Murayama, Yasuhiro; Collins, Richard L.
著者所属(日)通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門 ライダーグループ; 通信総合研究所 基礎先端部門; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門 ライダーグループ; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門 ライダーグループ; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門 ライダーグループ; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門 ライダーグループ; 通信総合研究所 電磁波計測部門; University of Alaska
著者所属(英)Communications Research Laboratory Lidar Group, Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Basic and Advanced Research Division; Communications Research Laboratory Lidar Group, Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Lidar Group, Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Lidar Group, Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Lidar Group, Applied Research and Standards Division; Communications Research Laboratory Applied Research and Standards Division; University of Alaska
発行機関などCommunications Research Laboratory
Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory
No. 2
抄録A Rayleigh lidar system was developed and it is now working well for temperature observations of the Arctic middle atmosphere at Poker Fiat Research Range near Fairbanks, Alaska (65.1 N, 147.5 W). A Rayleigh Doppler lidar for wind measurements of the middle atmosphere is in the development phase. The combination of these lidars and radars installed at Poker Flat gives an opportunity of simultaneous observations of the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere in broad range of altitudes. Also developed was Multi-wave-length lidar to observe clouds and aerosol distribution in the arctic troposphere and stratosphere. It will be installed at Poker Flat in this year. Here, given are descriptions of the Rayleigh lidar, the Rayleigh Doppler lidar and multi-wavelength lidar for the observations of the Arctic middle atmosphere at Poker Flat.
キーワードAlaska project; Rayleigh Doppler lidar; Arctic region; middle atmosphere; Poker Flat; troposphere; stratosphere; remote sensing; multi-wavelength lidar; アラスカプロジェクト; Rayleigh Dopplerライダ; 北極域; 中層大気; Poker Flat; 対流圏; 成層圏; リモートセンシング; 多波長ライダ
資料種別Technical Report
