JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEmpirical relationships between interplanetary conditions, magnetospheric flux transfer, and the AL index
著者(英)Slavin, J. A.; Holzer, R. E.
著者所属(英)California Univ.
内容記述Holzer and Slavin (1978) have found that the transfer of magnetic flux to and from the dayside magnetosphere as inferred from observed displacements of the magnetopause surface is correlated with both the magnitude of the auroral zone magnetic index AL and the incident flux of southward IMF. Empirical expressions specifying the rate at which magnetic flux is eroded in terms of interplanetary parameters and the rate of magnetic flux return as a function of AL have been developed. These relations are then used to predict magnetotail magnetic field enhancements from interplanetary and ground based data during an interval of substorm activity. The total magnetic flux in the tail is increased during intervals when the amount of flux transferred into its volume by dayside erosion exceeds the flux lost to the dayside by magnetospheric convection. Using Ogo-5 tail observations it is found for the sample events considered that these magnetic field enhancements can be described by empirical expressions for the magnetic flux transfer rates.
