JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルImpulsive penetration and viscous interaction
著者(英)Heikkila, W. J.
著者所属(英)Texas Univ. at Dallas
内容記述How the magnetosheath plasma enters the entry layer and low latitude boundary layers, with the particle energy spectra almost unchanged is investigated. It was proposed by Lemaire that this is accomplished by impulsive penetration of plasma clouds of plasmoids. Once inside the magnetosphere, a plasmoid with its own momentum will polarize, to create its own electric field for continued motion. This voltage generator charges up the sides of the boundary layers, in the process creating the internal magnetospheric electric field. The entry layer particles will gradient and curvature drift, constituting still another generator, a current generator, to power magnetospheric plasma processes. This may be the explanation for the viscous interaction first proposed by Axford and Hines.
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