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タイトルDetermination of UT1 and polar motion by the deep space network using very long baseline interferometry
著者(英)Melbourne, W. G.; Skjerve, L. J.; Fanselow, J. L.; Rogstad, D. H.; Purcell, G. H.; Thomas, J. B.; Macdoran, P. F.; Cohen, E. J.; Mulhall, B. D.; Spitzmesser, D. J.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Measurements of UT1 with a formal accuracy as low as 0.6 msec with only 6 hr of data and construction of a radio astrometric catalog of approximately 45 sources whose positions are known to better than 0.05 arcsec are described which were made possible by very long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) with the Deep Space Network (DSN). The characteristics and anticipated performance of the complete VLBI system being implemented within the DSN are discussed. It is noted that one of the capabilities of this system is the measurement of UT1 and polar motion at weekly intervals and that the determinations should be obtained with decimeter accuracy.
