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タイトルDirect in situ measurements of thermospheric temperature
著者(英)Power, R. A.; Nier, A. O.; Breig, E. L.; Hanson, W. B.; Kayser, D. C.
著者所属(英)Minnesota Univ.|Texas Univ. at Dallas
内容記述The open source neutral mass spectrometer on the Atmosphere Explorer satellites used for direct in situ measurements of the neutral gas temperature by means of the 'fly-through' mode of operation is evaluated. The derived neutral temperature (Tn) is compared with ion temperatures (T1) obtained simultaneously from the on-board retarding potential analyzer for altitudes and conditions where the two temperatures should be equal. A statistical analysis showed consistency between concurrently observed values of Tn and T1, also shown through profiles depicting their altitude distributions between 150 and 225 km. The overall magnitude of temperatures calculated from the Jacchia (1971) model results in a better representation of the observations than the higher temperatures predicted for this region by the MSIS model (Hedin, 1977), and agreement is also found between observed temperatures and neutral temperatures derived from altitude distributions of N2 particle densities.
