タイトル | Evaluation of the geocentric gravitational constant from Viking Doppler and range data |
著者(英) | Esposito, P. B. |
著者所属(英) | Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. |
発行日 | 1979-07-10 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | During the launch and near-earth phase, continuous radio tracking data were acquired from two Viking spacecraft as they receded from earth. Analysis of this data yielded these values for the geocentric gravitational constant GM: 398600.5 + or - 0.1 cu km/sec per sec for Viking 1 and 398600.65 + or - 0.2 cu km/sec per sec for Viking 2. These values include the atmosphere of the earth and are consistent with the currently adopted speed of light (299792.458 km/sec.). |
レポートNO | 79A44399 |
権利 | Copyright |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/426187 |