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タイトルSolar wind latitudinal variations deduced from Mariner 10 interplanetary H /1216 A/ observations
著者(英)Witt, N.; Blum, P. W.; Ajello, J. M.
著者所属(英)Bonn Univ.|Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The Mariner 10 H (1216-A) interplanetary observations are examined by using models that consider anisotropies in the solar fluxes. It is verified that the dominant contribution to asymmetric structure in the Mariner 10 H (1216-A) data is a latitudinal variation of the solar-wind flux and of the solar wind velocity, leading to a hydrogen atom lifetime that is latitude dependent. The average lifetime at 1 AU is found to increase from the solar equator to the solar poles by about 25%. This allows interstellar hydrogen to penetrate closer to the solar poles than to the equator. A general analytic model is constructed for evaluating the neutral hydrogen density distribution in interplanetary space. This model takes into account the latitude-dependent ionization rate. When this model is applied to the Mariner 10 H (1216-A) data, it is shown to be capable of matching the observations with a statistical accuracy of 5%. The effect of this latitudinal variation on H (1216-A) sky background maps is to produce a latitudinal shift in the maximum toward the north ecliptic pole.
