タイトル | Initial comparison of single cylinder Stirling engine computer model predictions with test results |
著者(英) | Tew, R. C., Jr.; Miao, D.; Thieme, L. G. |
著者所属(英) | NASA Lewis Research Center |
発行日 | 1979-02-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | A NASA developed digital computer code for a Stirling engine, modelling the performance of a single cylinder rhombic drive ground performance unit (GPU), is presented and its predictions are compared to test results. The GPU engine incorporates eight regenerator/cooler units and the engine working space is modelled by thirteen control volumes. The model calculates indicated power and efficiency for a given engine speed, mean pressure, heater and expansion space metal temperatures and cooler water inlet temperature and flow rate. Comparison of predicted and observed powers implies that the reference pressure drop calculations underestimate actual pressure drop, possibly due to oil contamination in the regenerator/cooler units, methane contamination in the working gas or the underestimation of mechanical loss. For a working gas of hydrogen, the predicted values of brake power are from 0 to 6% higher than experimental values, and brake efficiency is 6 to 16% higher, while for helium the predicted brake power and efficiency are 2 to 15% higher than the experimental. |
レポートNO | 79A31368 SAE PAPER 790327 |
権利 | Copyright |