JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルOcean wave detection and direction measurements with microwave radars
著者(英)Ross, D.; Shuchman, R. A.; Teleki, P. G.; Mattie, M.; Mcleish, W.; Brown, W. E., Jr.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.|Geological Survey|Environmental Research Inst. of Michigan|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration|Coastal Engineering Research Center
内容記述The application of synthetic aperture microwave radar imagery to the measurement of ocean wave direction and wavelength is discussed and an airborne experiment conducted in preparation for the SEASAT-A satellite mission is presented. Models for radar backscattering are examined and it is concluded that the Bragg-Rice model, which represents the ocean surface as a combination of periodic surfaces so that the dominant backscatter matches some portion of the wave spectrum, appears most useful. The experiment was conducted with airborne X-band and L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and data was compared with that obtained from a pitch-and-roll buoy and an instrument package mounted on a sea sled. SAR data was converted to wave spectra and it was found to match data from the buoy, while SAR data on wave direction agrees to within two degrees with the buoy and to within one degree with the sea sled sensors. Wave direction data taken by two real aperture radars is also presented and shown to agree with airborne photographs.
