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タイトルThe annoyance of multiple noisy events
著者(英)Ahumada, A., Jr.; Nagel, D. C.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center|Stanford Univ.
内容記述A total of 24 subjects (17 M, 7 F) was tested in an experimental study of annoyance rating of multiple noisy events (30 sets of noise bursts). The scaling technique known as functional measurement was used to determine whether annoyance integrates additively over events and if so, to measure the power law exponent which relates the levels of the events to the additive scale values. To this end, groups of three noises were presented at three levels in a factorial arrangement to check the additivity hypothesis and to estimate the scaling function. Also, a series of sets of noises of constant level but varying in set size were considered. The functional measurement of annoyance ratings of sets of three simulated flyovers showed that the integration of annoyance can be represented as an additive process in terms of scale values that are power functions of the sound power with a power-law exponent near 0.7.
AIAA PAPER 79-0653
