JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe influence of unsteady aerodynamics on extracted aircraft parameters
著者(英)Keskar, D. A.; Wells, W. R.; Queijo, M. J.
著者所属(英)Wright State Univ.|Cincinnati Univ.|NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The effect of accounting for unsteady aerodynamics on the parameters extracted from flight data is examined. Longitudinal equations of motion have been modified, and a parameter-extraction program developed to include the effects of unsteady aerodynamics. The approach used was to generate pseudo data using the unsteady-aerodynamics model and to use that data in two parameter-extraction programs, one including and the other neglecting unsteady effects to see if the parameters were significantly different. Flight data for a light airplane also was used with the two extraction programs for the same purpose. Results showed that, for the cases considered, including unsteady aerodynamics in the parameter-extraction program did affect the extracted quantities, particularly the damping in pitch. In addition, the parameter variances were lower when unsteady aerodynamics were included in the extraction program than when the effects were neglected.
AIAA PAPER 78-1343
