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タイトルVLBI observations of 3C 345 and NRAO 512 in right and left circular polarization
著者(英)Menyuk, C. R.; Clark, T. A.; Hutton, L. K.; Knight, C. A.; Wittels, J. J.; Shapiro, I. I.; Hinteregger, H. F.; Whitney, A. R.; Rogers, A. E. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|Northeast Radio Observatory Corp.|Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
内容記述In October 1975, the radio telescopes of the Haystack, National Radio Astronomy, and Owens Valley Radio Observatories were used as an interferometer to monitor, at 8 GHz, the right and left circularly polarized radiation emitted by the quasars 3C 345 and NRAO 512. The data for each polarization are used separately to estimate several parameters describing a model of the fine structure of the radio brightness of 3C 345 and, subsequently, the angular separation between 3C 345 and NRAO 512. The results for the two polarizations are in approximate agreement, indicating that to the limit of resolution about 0.5 milliarcsec), the fourth Stokes parameter, V, is not significantly different from zero within the compact components of these radio sources. The corresponding quantitative limits on the degree of circular polarization are 0.08 + or - 0.07 for 3C 345 and 0.01 + or - 0.08 for NRAO 512.
