JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCosmic ray effects on the eyes of rats flown on Cosmos no. 782, Experiment K-007
著者(英)Corbett, R.; Klein, G.; Philpott, D. E.; Sapp, W.; Harrison, G.; Savik, L. F.; Black, S.; Turnbill, C.; Leaffer, D.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center|Childrens Hospital Medical Center of Northern California|Ministry of Health of the USSR|Tuskegee Inst.
内容記述A study was undertaken to determine if, and to what extent, pathological damage results from high-energy particles (HZE) transversing the eye. Light flashes experienced by space travellers indicate that HZE do indeed pass through and activate the retina, but whether actual biological damage occurs has not been investigated thoroughly. Thus, autopsies were performed on the eyes of rats which has been flown in Cosmos 782 satellite for 19.5 days. Comparisons with a control sample subjected to 1000 rads of Ar and Ne radiation show that pathological damage, when it occurs, affects the nucleus of the retina; simple light flashes are not thought to indicate a pathology, and result from activation of (but not damage to) the retina's outer segments.
