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タイトルA study on properties of water substitute solid phantom using EGS code
著者(日)齊藤 秀敏; 都丸 禎三; 藤崎 達也; 阿部 慎司; 明上山 温; 福田 賢一
著者(英)Saito, Hidetoshi; Tomaru, Teizo; Fujisaki, Tatsuya; Abe, Shinji; Myojoyama, Atsushi; Fukuda, Kenichi
著者所属(日)東京都立保健科学大学 保健科学部 放射線学科; 千代田テクノル; 茨城県立医療大学 保健医療学部 放射線技術科学科; 茨城県立医療大学 保健医療学部 放射線技術科学科; 東京都立保健科学大学 保健科学部 放射線学科; 千代田テクノル
著者所属(英)Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences School of Radiological Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences; Chiyoda Technol Corporation; Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences Department of Radiological Sciences, School of Health Sciences; Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences Department of Radiological Sciences, School of Health Sciences; Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences School of Radiological Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences; Chiyoda Technol Corporation
刊行物名Proceedings of the Tenth EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan
Proceedings of the Tenth EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan
抄録To reduce the uncertainty in the calibration of radiation beams, absorbed dose to water for high energy electrons is recommended as the standards and reference absorbed dose by AAPM Report no. 51, IAEA Technical Reports no. 398 and JSMP Standard dosimetry for radiotherapy 2001. In these recommendations, water is defined as the reference medium, however, the water substitute solid phantoms are discouraged. Nevertheless, when accurate chamber positioning in water is not possible, or when no waterproof chamber is available, their use is permitted at beam qualities R(sub 50) less than 4 g/cm(exp 2) (E(sub 0) less than 10 MeV). For the electron dosimetry using solid phantom, a depth-scaling factor is used for the conversion of depth in solid phantoms to depth in water, and a fluence-scaling factor is used for the conversion of ionization chamber reading in plastic phantom to reading in water. In this work, the properties, especially depth-scaling factors c(sub pl) and fluence-scaling factors h(sub pl) of several commercially available water substitute solid phantoms were determined using EGS Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore, the electron dosimetry using these scaling method was evaluated. As a result, it is obviously that dose-distribution in solid phantom can be converted to appropriate dose-distribution in water by means of IAEA depth-scaling.
キーワードEGS4; Monte Carlo simulation; water substitute solid phantom; reference medium; plastic phantom; high energy electron; radiation therapy; dosimeter; calibration; research and development; EGS4; モンテカルロシミュレーション; 水代用固体ファントム; 標準媒質; プラスチックファントム; 高エネルギー電子; 放射線治療; 線量計; 校正; 研究開発
資料種別Conference Paper
