JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe nationwide GPS array as an earth observation system
著者(日)宮崎 真一; 畑中 雄樹; 鷺谷 威; 多田 尭
著者(英)Miyazaki, Shinichi; Hatanaka, Yuki; Sagiya, Takeshi; Tada, Takashi
著者所属(日)国土地理院; 国土地理院; 国土地理院; 国土地理院
著者所属(英)Geographical Survey Institute; Geographical Survey Institute; Geographical Survey Institute; Geographical Survey Institute
刊行物名Bulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute
抄録GSI's (Geographical Survey Institute) nationwide GPS (Global Positioning System) array, which is named GEONET (GPS Earth Observation Network), has been expanded, and very detailed information on crustal deformation and water vapor distribution can be obtained. Since more than one year data have been collected, horizontal crustal displacement velocity field with respect to stable interior of the Eurasian plate was estimated by using one year continuous data. The result suggests that a plate boundary runs from Shizuoka to Niigata. The western half of it moves eastward except for the southern part of Shikoku Island and Kii Peninsula, where interplate coupling between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate is observed. On the other hand, the eastern half moves westward. Besides this result, it is demonstrated that GPS can be utilized as seismometer by analyzing 1-Hz GPS data at the time of the 1996 Hyuga-Nada earthquake. However, GEONET still has several problems. For example, three types of pillars are used, and mixture of these brings significant satellite elevation cutoff dependency on baseline vector and tropospheric delays. A few problems are described here.
キーワードGPS; global positioning system; GEONET; GPS earth observation network; crustal deformation; water vapor distribution; Eurasian plate; crustal displacement velocity field; Philippine Sea plate; Hyuga Nada earthquake; seismometer; GPS; 全地球側位システム; GEONET; GPS連続観測網; 地殻変形; 水蒸気分布; ユーラシアプレート; 地殻変位速度場; フィリピン海プレート; 日向灘地震; 地震計
資料種別Technical Report
