JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA spectroscopic study of selected quasars with absorption redshifts greater than emission redshifts
著者(英)Williams, R. E.; Weymann, R. J.; Beaver, E. A.; Miller, J. S.
著者所属(英)Arizona Univ.|California Univ.
内容記述Spectroscopic data are presented for seven quasars having absorption systems whose redshift is greater than that of emission lines. The objects examined include PKS 1229-02, 3C 298, 3C 205, B194, PHL 1222, 0736-06, and PKS 0119-04. The redshift systems of each quasar are described in detail, the empirical distribution of the relative numbers of absorption systems vs. emission-absorption redshift difference is determined, and errors in this distribution due to selection of the sample and to the incompleteness and inhomogeneity of the data are discussed qualitatively. Six groups of possibilities are considered for the origin of absorption systems with redshifts higher than the emission redshifts. It is concluded that two separate mechanisms must be invoked: intervening clouds bound in a cluster of galaxies where the quasar is embedded (for systems with an absolute relative velocity not exceeding about 3000 km/s) and gravitational acceleration of material ejected by the quasar (for systems with a relative velocity of at least 3000 km/s).
