JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルNon-symmetric two-stream instability
著者(英)Bernstein, W.; Cuperman, S.; Gomberoff, L.; Roth, I.
著者所属(英)Tel-Aviv Univ.|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
内容記述A theoretical investigation is performed concerning the instability spectrum of quasi-electrostatic waves at shifted half-odd-integer values of the cyclotron frequency due to nonsymmetric counterstreaming electron beams. The beam velocities parallel and perpendicular to the static magnetic field are represented by double Dirac delta functions with no imposition of parameter limitations. Systematic consideration is given to the coupling between plasma modes and cyclotron modes as well as the coupling between cyclotron modes of the two beams that result in shifted half-odd-integer multiples of the cyclotron frequency. The general dispersion equation for quasi-electrostatic waves is analyzed, and plasma-cyclotron coupling in the nonsymmetric case is treated by deriving approximate analytical expressions for maximum growth rates and marginal stability. Exact numerical solutions in both frequency and wavenumber space are obtained and compared with the analytical expressions. Cyclotron-cyclotron coupling modes are treated in the same way, and the results for both types of coupling are compared. It is found that certain modes may be weakened or completely suppressed when the Bessel functions for specific plasma parameters vanish.
