JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルExperiments on the properties of superfluid helium in zero gravity
著者(英)Williamson, K.; Yang, L.; Petrac, D.; Collins, D.; Edeskuty, F.; Mason, P.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.|Los Alamos Scientific Lab.
内容記述The paper describes a research program designed to study the behavior of superfluid liquid helium in low and zero gravity in order to determine the properties which are critically important to its use as a stored cryogen for cooling scientific instruments aboard spacecraft for periods up to several months. The experiment program consists of a series of flights of an experiment package on a free-fall trajectory both on an aircraft and on a rocket. The objectives are to study thickness of thin films of helium as a function of acceleration, heat transfer in thin films, heat transfer across copper-liquid helium interfaces, fluid dynamics of bulk helium in high and low accelerations and under various conditions of rotations, alternate methods of separation of liquid and vapor phases and of efficient venting of the vapor, and undesirable thermomechanical oscillations in the vent pipes. Preliminary results from aircraft tests are discussed.
