JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStatus of the object-oriented EGS interface project
著者(日)Yacout, A. M.; Dunn, William L.; Nelson, W. R.; Lui, Patrick; Bielajew, A. F.; 平山 英夫; 波戸 芳仁
著者(英)Yacout, A. M.; Dunn, William L.; Nelson, W. R.; Lui, Patrick; Bielajew, A. F.; Hirayama, Hideo; Namito, Yoshihito
著者所属(日)Quantum Research Services Inc.; Quantum Research Services Inc.; Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; University of Michigan; 高エネルギー加速器研究機構; 高エネルギー加速器研究機構
著者所属(英)Quantum Research Services Inc.; Quantum Research Services Inc.; Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; University of Michigan; High Energy Accelerator Research Organization; High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
刊行物名Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on EGS
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on EGS
抄録The object-oriented EGS interface project seeks to simplify-using modern object-oriented and visual user interface techniques-the geometry and scoring aspects of the process of running the EGS code. The project will create an extremely user-friendly EGS package that retains and exploits the well documented physics advantages of EGS but removes the requirement that the user write HOWFAR and AUSGAB subroutines to define the geometry and scoring aspects of each new problem. In addition, several physics enhancements will be incorporated in EGS5. Although EGS5 will be able to be used in the traditional way-in a stand-alone fashion with users writing their own geometry and scoring subroutines-it is designed to be used in a completely new way-linked to a user interface through which users can manage all aspects of problem specification and code operation. This paper concentrates on the object-oriented user interface, which will dramatically simplify defining problem-specific detail for EGS. The 'EGS5+VUI1' package will allow users to solve independent problems by run-time linking of the EGS5 code with class libraries that encapsulate the geometry and scoring aspects of each problem. Some simple example problems are considered in order to illustrate features of the EGS5+VUI1 package.
キーワードhuman computer interface; object oriented EGS interface; electromagnetic interaction; subroutine; Monte Carlo simulation; high energy electron; transport theory; research and development; 人・計算機インターフェース; オブジェクト指向EGSインターフェース; 電磁相互作用; サブルーチン; モンテカルロシミュレーション; 高エネルギー電子; 輸送理論; 研究開発
資料種別Conference Paper
