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タイトルA solar plasma stream measured by DRVID and dual-frequency range and Doppler radio metric data
著者(英)Wu, S. C.; Royden, H. N.; Yip, K. B. W.; Winn, F. B.; Komarek, T. A.; Lam, V. W.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述S- and X-band DRVID, S- and X-band dual-frequency range (SX(p)), and Doppler (SX(p)) measured a 15-fold increase in the line-of-sight electron content of the solar plasma above the normal plasma background. A general increase in the plasma electron content continued for nearly 50 hours: it started about 12:00 (GMT) on 12 March 1976 and continued to grow until 17:00 (GMT) on 14 March. For the next 55 hours, between 17:00 (GMT) on 14 March to 00:54 (GMT) on 17 March, the plasma level diminished as the background level was approached. Not only were the temporal changes and absolute level of the plasma content measured but the measurements were also used to ascertain the mean-plasma-concentration location: it was estimated to be 4.1 light minutes from earth.
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