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タイトルLake eutrophication as indicated by ERTS satellite imagery
著者(英)Van Domelen, J. F.; Holtje, K.; Johnson, W.; Scherz, J. P.
著者所属(英)Forest Service|Norwich Univ.|Wisconsin Univ.|Wisconsin Univ.|State Univ. of New York|Norwich Univ.
内容記述Light reflectance from water in the laboratory always correlates to the water quality parameter of turbidity. This turbidity is caused by suspended solids in the water and for a particular type of material there is a good correlation between the weight of these suspended solids and turbidity. However, this correlation is different for different types of material. When this suspended material is living green matter as in an eutrophic lake, the changes in reflectance can be detected as changes in brightness on a particular aerial image. Two test sites have shown that there is indeed a good correlation between the brightness on an ERTS image and lake eutrophication.
NASA分類Environment Pollution
