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タイトルLET dependence of interphase cell death induction for CHO cells exposed to accelerated heavy-ions
著者(日)佐々木 弘; 谷田貝 文夫; 金井 達明; 古澤 佳也; 花岡 文雄
著者(英)Sasaki, Hiroshi; Yatagai, Fumio; Kanai, Tatsuaki; Furusawa, Yoshiya; Hanaoka, Fumio
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
発行機関などInstitute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1996
理化学研究所加速器年次報告 1996
抄録High Linear Energy Transfer (LET) radiations induce multiply damaged sites locally within a target molecule like DNA. The LET dependence of the induction of interphase cell death is studied using accelerated heavy-ions. Exponentially growing asynchronous CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary)-K1 cells were exposed to monoenergetic beams of heavy-ions. X-rays were also used as a standard radiation source. The fraction of cells that underwent interphase cell death after irradiation, increased linearly after exposure to X-rays with dose larger than about 10 Gy, whereas it increased at a higher rate without a threshold after exposure to high-LET heavy-ions such as 230 keV/micro-m Neon. The RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness) values of heavy-ions relative to X-rays increased with LET and reached a maximum at the LET around 230 keV/micro-m followed by a decay with further increase in LET. The range of LET values corresponding to the maximum RBE was narrower for the interphase death than for the reproductive death as assayed using the loss of colony-forming ability as a criterion. This suggests that targets should be more severely damaged for induction of the interphase cell death than that of reproductive cell death. On the other hand, the inactivation cross-section for interphase cell death reached a plateau at 5 - 10 micro-sq m. The present results are consistent with previous time-lapse observations of the HeLa cells exposed to alpha rays, indicating a predisposition to interphase cell death against heavy-ions irradiation.
キーワードheavy ion; cell death; Linear Energy Transfer; LET; cell; interphase cell death; reproductive cell death; irradiation; X ray; relative biological density; RBE; kill the cell effect; 重イオン; 細胞死; 線エネルギー付与; LET; 細胞; 間期細胞死; 分裂期細胞死; 照射; X線; 生物学的効果比; RBE; 細胞死効果
資料種別Technical Report
