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タイトルDevelopment of a CCD infrared camera for the Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory
著者(日)Ishitsuka, Jose; 面高 俊宏; 森本 雅樹; 黒田 武彦; 宮地 竹史; 上野 宗孝; 和田 武彦; 家田 文彦
著者(英)Ishitsuka, Jose; Omodaka, Toshihiro; Morimoto, Masaki; Kuroda, Takehiko; Miyaji, Takeshi; Ueno, Munetaka; Wada, Takehiko; Ieda, Fumihiko
著者所属(日)東京大学 教養学部; 鹿児島大学 理学部 物理科学科; 兵庫県立西はりま天文台; 兵庫県立西はりま天文台; 国立天文台 野辺山宇宙電波観測所; 東京大学 教養学部; 宇宙科学研究所; 鹿児島大学 理学部 物理科学科
著者所属(英)University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences; Kagoshima University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory; Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory Nobeyama Radio Observatory; University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences; Institute of Space and Astronautical Science; Kagoshima University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Collected Papers from the 9th Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory Workshop on Basic Knowledge and Observations of Infrared Astronomy
抄録Two years ago the project was begun to develop a near infrared CCD camera for the 60 cm telescope of Nishi-Harima Observatory a classical cassegrain telescope. This project is supported by the Hyogo-ken Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Kagoshima University, National Astronomical Observatory and the University of Tokyo. The mounted CCD sensor is a 512 x 512 element platinum silicide (PtSi) Schottky-barrier infrared image sensor, made by Mitsubishi Electric Co. and proved successfully for astronomical purposes by Ueno at al. To simplify the maintenance while running of the IR (Infrared) camera, two Stirling cycle refrigerators were used for cooling the Dewar, it is the first IR camera cooled by this system. Also these refrigerators are going to be used on the Japanese IR satellite Astro-F. The cooling capacity of each refrigerator is for 77 K, 1 watt and for 50 K, 0 watt, meanwhile this capacity for one refrigerator is not enough, two independent refrigerators were used, one for refrigerating the cold plate and the other one for thermal radiation shield. The whole system will work with less maintenance, no need of refrigerant, and also comparing with common use IR cameras, it is more portable. The first light was successfully obtained with the camera mounted on the Nishi-Harima telescope and a plate of Saturn, both with the J and K band filters was taken. The concluded whole system is actually being calibrated for regular observations.
キーワードnear infrared observation; infrared camera; small and medium sized telescope; Stirling cycle refrigerator; PtSi camera; Astro F satellite; public use observatory; 近赤外線観測; 赤外線カメラ; 中小口径望遠鏡; スターリング冷凍機; PtSiカメラ; Astro-F衛星; 公開天文台
資料種別Conference Paper
