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タイトルSpecific five-fold coordinated sites observed in the oxides and silicates with derivative structure
著者(日)大川 真紀雄
著者(英)Okawa, Makio
著者所属(日)広島大学 理学部 地球惑星システム学科
著者所属(英)Hiroshima University Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Faculty of Science
刊行物名KEK Proceedings
KEK Proceedings
抄録Five-fold coordination of cation site is pointed out to be rarely observed in ionic crystals in comparison with the frequent appearance of four and six fold coordination. The specific five fold coordinated sites of Fe(3+) ion occurring at the boundary region between the fundamental structure units were discussed. The structural studies on Sr4Fe6O13 consisting of alternate slabs of the perovskite type Sr2Fe2O5 and of Fe2O3 parallel to (010) have been carried out. The coordinations of Sr, Fe and O atoms in the respective slabs were examined. Based on the ionic radii of Shannon, the distances of Fe(3+)-O and Fe-O were estimated. Bond valences calculated from the equation of Brown and Altermatt were shown in a table. Inconsistencies of the values due to the long Fe-O distances were recognized for the oxygen ions coordinated to the Fe(3+) ions. A relationship between the mean Fe-O distances and the degree of distortion for five-coordinated sites was shown in a figure. It was found that five coordinated Fe sites frequently have long mean Fe-O distances similar to that of six-coordinated Fe sites.
キーワードfive fold coordinated site; derivative structure; cation site; fundamental structure unit; boundary region; ionic crystal; perovskite type; ion radius; bond valence; Fe O distance; oxygen ion; oxide; silicate; 5回対称配位サイト; 誘導体構造; 陽イオンサイト; 構造基本単位; 境界領域; イオン結晶; ペロブスカイト型; イオン半径; 結合原子価; Fe-O距離; 酸素イオン; 酸化物; 珪酸塩
資料種別Conference Paper
