JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルImmiscible materials and alloys
著者(英)Gelles, S. H.; Oldfield, W.; Markworth, A. J.; Duga, J. J.
著者所属(英)Battelle Columbus Labs.
内容記述Only immiscible materials which involve a fluid phase have a potential advantage when considered for space processing. Processing of such systems at low gravity can lead to a material which is very homogeneous and contains a finely dispersed mixture of phases. Materials with such structures may exhibit potentially useful properties for such applications as superconductors, dispersion-strengthened materials, superplastic materials, permanent magnets, etc. These conclusions have resulted from review of past efforts in the field of low-g processing of materials containing a liquid phase miscibility gap and from present efforts dealing with such systems. These studies have concentrated on precipitation of liquid droplets in a host liquid during cooling through the miscibility gap. This effort has been to study the agglomeration of the droplets both experimentally and through computer simulation in order to understand the mechansism involved and to deduce the effect of gravity on the droplet distribution and resulting structure of the solidified material. The agglomeration mechanisms treated in detail are those due to diffusional growth and collision processes caused by Stokes on convection current-induced droplet migration.
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