JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStudy of strongly correlated electron systems by the dynamical mean field theory
著者(日)平島 大
著者(英)Hirashima, Dai
著者所属(日)筑波大学 物理学系
著者所属(英)University of Tsukuba Institute of Physics
刊行物名Activity Report, 1996
Activity Report, 1996
抄録The dependence of the spectral function near the CT (Charge Transfer)-type metal-insulator transition point on the electron number was studied. It was found that the lowest excitation in the insulating state is the local singlet state formed by a d-hole and a p-hole. The same model was studied also by exact diagonalization of small clusters. The result confirmed the conclusion obtained above. Next, the two-band model (the periodic Anderson model) was studied where repulsive interaction works not only between localized electrons but also between conduction electrons. As the results contradicted to the result obtained by the Gutzwiller variation method. The reason for the discrepancy is now investigating. Electronic states in asymmetric double-layer electron system under a strong magnetic field were also investigated. It was found that the ground state is well approximated, at certain conditions, by the generalized Laughlin wave function.
キーワードstrongly correlated electron system; dynamical mean field theory; QMC method; quantum Monte Carlo method; exact diagonalization method; metal insulator transition; Hubbard model; Anderson model; Laughlin wave function; Gultzwiller variation method; 強相関電子系; 動的平均場理論; QMC法; 量子モンテカルロ法; 厳密対角化法; 金属-絶縁体転位; ハバード模型; アンダーソン模型; Laughlin波動関数; Gultzwiller変分法
資料種別Technical Report
