タイトル | Progress in the development of the reverse osmosis process for spacecraft wash water recovery. |
著者(英) | Podall, H. E.; Spurlock, J. M.; Pecoraro, J. N. |
発行日 | 1972-10-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Research work on ambient- and pasteurization-temperature reverse osmosis processes for wash water recovery in a spacecraft environment is reviewed, and the advantages and drawbacks of each are noted. A key requirement in each case is to provide a membrane of appropriate stability and semipermeability. Reverse osmosis systems intended for such use must also take into account the specific limitations and requirements imposed by the small volume of water to be processed and the high water recovery desired. The incorporation of advanced high-temperature membranes into specially designed modules is discussed. |
レポートNO | 73A11993 |
権利 | Copyright |