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タイトルOptimization of trim coils in a Superconducting Ring Cyclotron
著者(日)金 鐘元; 藤島 史朗; 後藤 彰; 池上 九三男; 川口 武男; 久保 敏幸; 密本 俊典; 森川 鐵也; 大川 智宏; 奥野 広樹
著者(英)Kim, Jong-Won; Fujishima, Shiro; Goto, Akira; Ikegami, Kumio; Kawaguchi, Takeo; Kubo, Toshiyuki; Mitsumoto, Toshinori; Morikawa, Tetsuya; Okawa, Tomohiro; Okuno, Hiroki
著者所属(日)理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所; 理化学研究所
著者所属(英)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
発行機関などInstitute of Physical and Chemical Research
刊行物名RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report, 1996
理化学研究所加速器年次報告 1996
抄録In designing a SRC (Superconducting Ring Cyclotron) as an energy variable and multi-ion accelerator, the trimming system optimization of the magnetic field was studied for the field isochronization. A booster cyclotron SRC-6 proposed by RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) RI (Radioactive Isotope) Beam Factory, emploied both superconducting and normal trim coils. A major correction was made using the superconducting trim coils, and the remnant error field correction using the normal trim coils. In SRC-6, high-temperature superconducting lead-wire was used to reduce heat conduction from the super-conducting trim coils to liquid helium. At the current of 500 A, the heat leak through the high-temperature superconducting lead-wire was about 0.2 W at 4.3 K, and this corresponded to about 2 KW at 300 K. The isochronized magnetic field was computed for O-16(7+) in the energy range of 55-400 MeV/u. The calculation used a least square fitting subroutines. The leftover error fields after fitting were examined as a function of the number of the superconducting trim coils. The error field when five sets of superconducting trim coils were used was reduced to be within +/- 10 gauss, or +/- 1 percent of the isochronous field. Twenty sets of resistive coils were tested under the condition of uniform spacing of 10 cm at radii between 365 cm and 555 cm, and fitting was carried out. The field error was less than +/- 0.05 percent in the case of five superconducting trim cases. This value of field error meets the criterion of field isochronism.
キーワードSRC; Superconducting Ring Cyclotron; RI Beam Factory; Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory; superconducting trim coil; normal trim coil; isochronous field; leftover error field; SRC; 超伝導リングサイクロトロン; RIビームファクトリー; 放射線同位元素ビームファクトリー; 超伝導トリムコイル; 常伝導トリムコイル; 等時性磁場; 残留誤差磁場
資料種別Technical Report
