JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルComparative cut-bar thermal conductivity apparatus.
著者(英)Span, R. M.; Gaal, P. S.
内容記述Construction details, error analysis, and typical data for a rapid comparative device for thermal conductivity measurements are presented. The apparatus consists of a comparative cut-bar arrangement contained in a bell-jar. The cylinder shaped specimen is placed between two ARMCO-iron meter bars of the same diameter. The upper bar is equipped with a heater, while the lower one is terminated in a heat sink. The temperature gradient along the bars is measured with a series of copper/constantan microthermocouples, spot welded to them. The assembly is held together by loading the bars to a desired pressure, via a pneumatic cylinder. Contact resistance at the boundaries between the specimen and the meter bars is minimized by using a Hg/In/Ga alloy film at the interface and sufficient loading force. The gradients determined for the meter bars then may be extrapolated to the boundaries yielding the temperature drop along the specimen. Using two different length specimens, the magnitude of the temperature drop across the interface can be computed, or the true gradient along the specimen can be obtained from the difference in overall temperature drops and lengths.
