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タイトルA computer Simulation of Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) using continuity equations and the two-region model
著者(日)納冨 昭弘; 成田 健味; 魚住 裕介; 栄 武二; 的場 優; 桑折 範彦
著者(英)Notomi, Akihiro; Narita, Kekumi; Uozumi, Yusuke; Sakae, Takeji; Matoba, Masaru; Koori, Norihiko
著者所属(日)九州大学 工学部 応用原子核工学科; 九州大学 工学部 応用原子核工学科; 九州大学 工学部 応用原子核工学科; 九州大学 工学部 応用原子核工学科; 九州大学 工学部 応用原子核工学科; 徳島大学 総合科学部
著者所属(英)Kyushu University Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Kyushu University Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Kyushu University Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Kyushu University Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; Kyushu University Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering; University of Tokushima Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
刊行物名KEK Proceedings
KEK Proceedings
抄録In order to check the validity of a newly-proposed SQS (Self-Quenching Streamer) mechanism for alpha-rays, a modeling of the phenomenon is made and a computer simulation has been carried out. A set of continuity equations for electrons and single-charged positive ions is numerically solved to evaluate the avalanche growth in a two-dimensional space. The streamer development is treated under the concept of the two region model with an aid of the Meek's streamer condition. A comparison between computed and experimental results shows a good agreement in nature and the validity of the newly-proposed SQS-formation mechanism has been confirmed successfully.
キーワードself quenching streamer; SQS; gas counter; streamer formation; ionization track; alpha ray; net charge distribution; spatial charge distribution; radiation detector; 自己消尽ストリーマー; SQS; 気体計数器; ストリーマー生成; イオン化飛跡; α線; 全電荷分布; 空間電荷分布; 放射線検出器
資料種別Conference Paper
