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タイトルAn EGS4 Monte Carlo user code for radiation therapy planning
著者(日)船曳 淳; 齋藤 秀敏; 佐藤 理; 高木 俊治; 斎藤 公明
著者(英)Funabiki, Jun; Saito, Hidetoshi; Sato, Osamu; Takagi, Shunji; Saito, Kimiaki
著者所属(日)三菱総合研究所; 東京都立保健科学大学; 三菱総合研究所; 三菱総合研究所; 日本原子力研究所
著者所属(英)Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.; Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences; Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.; Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.; Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
刊行物名Proceedings of the Ninth EGS4 User's Meeting in Japan
Proceedings of the Ninth EGS4 User's Meeting in Japan
抄録An EGS4 Monte Carlo user code (the UCRTP code) with voxel geometry has been developed as a prototype of the dose calculation engine for radiation therapy planning. A series of dose calculations for photon beam irradiation to a simplified heterogeneous voxel phantom of a lung cancer patient has shown that significant build-up in lung tumor and build-down in surrounding normal lung tissue region exist due to the heterogeneity of the media and small field size. Most of the heterogeneity correction algorithms employed by the current commercial treatment planning systems are not satisfactory enough to account for the build-up/down. Since the commercial systems may significantly underestimate the dose in normal lung tissues, sufficient verification and quality assurance of the radiation therapy planning is needed especially in the lung cancer treatment.
キーワードradiation therapy planning; lung cancer; photon beam; heterogeneity correction; EGS4; Monte Carlo simulation; research and development; 放射線治療計画; 肺癌; 光子ビーム; 不均質性補正; EGS4; モンテカルロシミュレーション; 研究開発
資料種別Conference Paper
